1,309 research outputs found

    Angiostrongylus cantonensis DNA in cerebrospinal fluid of persons with eosinophilic meningitis, Laos

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    Definitive identification of Angiostrongylus cantonensis parasites from clinical specimens is difficult. As a result, regional epidemiology and burden are poorly characterized. To ascertain presence of this parasite in patients in Laos with eosinophilic meningitis, we performed quantitative PCRs on 36 cerebrospinal fluid samples; 4 positive samples confirmed the parasite's presence

    New first trimester crown-rump length's equations optimized by structured data collection from a French general population

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    --- Objectives --- Prior to foetal karyotyping, the likelihood of Down's syndrome is often determined combining maternal age, serum free beta-HCG, PAPP-A levels and embryonic measurements of crown-rump length and nuchal translucency for gestational ages between 11 and 13 weeks. It appeared important to get a precise knowledge of these scan parameters' normal values during the first trimester. This paper focused on crown-rump length. --- METHODS --- 402 pregnancies from in-vitro fertilization allowing a precise estimation of foetal ages (FA) were used to determine the best model that describes crown-rump length (CRL) as a function of FA. Scan measures by a single operator from 3846 spontaneous pregnancies representative of the general population from Northern France were used to build a mathematical model linking FA and CRL in a context as close as possible to normal scan screening used in Down's syndrome likelihood determination. We modeled both CRL as a function of FA and FA as a function of CRL. For this, we used a clear methodology and performed regressions with heteroskedastic corrections and robust regressions. The results were compared by cross-validation to retain the equations with the best predictive power. We also studied the errors between observed and predicted values. --- Results --- Data from 513 spontaneous pregnancies allowed to model CRL as a function of age of foetal age. The best model was a polynomial of degree 2. Datation with our equation that models spontaneous pregnancies from a general population was in quite agreement with objective datations obtained from 402 IVF pregnancies and thus support the validity of our model. The most precise measure of CRL was when the SD was minimal (1.83mm), for a CRL of 23.6 mm where our model predicted a 49.4 days of foetal age. Our study allowed to model the SD from 30 to 90 days of foetal age and offers the opportunity of using Zscores in the future to detect growth abnormalities. --- Conclusion --- With powerful statistical tools we report a good modeling of the first trimester embryonic growth in the general population allowing a better knowledge of the date of fertilization useful in the ultrasound screening of Down's syndrome. The optimal period to measure CRL and predict foetal age was 49.4 days (9 weeks of gestational age). Our results open the way to the detection of foetal growth abnormalities using CRL Zscores throughout the first trimester

    Everybody wants it done but nobody wants to do it. An exploration of the barrier and enablers of critical components towards creating a clinical pathway for anxiety and depression in cancer

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    Background: This study aimed to explore barriers to and enablers for future implementation of a draft clinical pathway for anxiety and depression in cancer patients in the Australian context. Methods: Health professionals reviewed a draft clinical pathway and participated in qualitative interviews about the delivery of psychosocial care in their setting, individual components of the draft pathway, and barriers and enablers for its future implementation. Results: Five interrelated themes were identified: ownership; resources and responsibility; education and training; patient reluctance; and integration with health services beyond oncology. Conclusions: The five themes were perceived as both barriers and enablers and provide a basis for an implementation plan that includes strategies to overcome barriers. The next steps are to design and deliver the clinical pathway with specific implementation strategies that address team ownership, endorsement by leaders, education and training modules designed for health professionals and patients and identify ways to integrate the pathway into existing cancer services

    Improving prenatal diagnosis through standards and aggregation.

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    Advances in sequencing and imaging technologies enable enhanced assessment in the prenatal space, with a goal to diagnose and predict the natural history of disease, to direct targeted therapies, and to implement clinical management, including transfer of care, election of supportive care, and selection of surgical interventions. The current lack of standardization and aggregation stymies variant interpretation and gene discovery, which hinders the provision of prenatal precision medicine, leaving clinicians and patients without an accurate diagnosis. With large amounts of data generated, it is imperative to establish standards for data collection, processing, and aggregation. Aggregated and homogeneously processed genetic and phenotypic data permits dissection of the genomic architecture of prenatal presentations of disease and provides a dataset on which data analysis algorithms can be tuned to the prenatal space. Here we discuss the importance of generating aggregate data sets and how the prenatal space is driving the development of interoperable standards and phenotype-driven tools

    Lethal phenotypes in Mendelian disorders.

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    PURPOSE: Existing resources that characterize the essentiality status of genes are based on either proliferation assessment in human cell lines, viability evaluation in mouse knockouts, or constraint metrics derived from human population sequencing studies. Several repositories document phenotypic annotations for rare disorders; however, there is a lack of comprehensive reporting on lethal phenotypes. METHODS: We queried Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man for terms related to lethality and classified all Mendelian genes according to the earliest age of death recorded for the associated disorders, from prenatal death to no reports of premature death. We characterized the genes across these lethality categories, examined the evidence on viability from mouse models and explored how this information could be used for novel gene discovery. RESULTS: We developed the Lethal Phenotypes Portal to showcase this curated catalog of human essential genes. Differences in the mode of inheritance, physiological systems affected, and disease class were found for genes in different lethality categories, as well as discrepancies between the lethal phenotypes observed in mouse and human. CONCLUSION: We anticipate that this resource will aid clinicians in the diagnosis of early lethal conditions and assist researchers in investigating the properties that make these genes essential for human development

    Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome)

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    Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome) is an autosomal dominantly inherited connective tissue disorder characterized by multiple flexion contractures, arachnodactyly, severe kyphoscoliosis, abnormal pinnae and muscular hypoplasia. It is caused by a mutation in FBN2 gene on chromosome 5q23. Although the clinical features can be similar to Marfan syndrome (MFS), multiple joint contractures (especially elbow, knee and finger joints), and crumpled ears in the absence of significant aortic root dilatation are characteristic of Beals syndrome and rarely found in Marfan syndrome. The incidence of CCA is unknown and its prevalence is difficult to estimate considering the overlap in phenotype with MFS; the number of patients reported has increased following the identification of FBN2 mutation. Molecular prenatal diagnosis is possible. Ultrasound imaging may be used to demonstrate joint contractures and hypokinesia in suspected cases. Management of children with CCA is symptomatic. Spontaneous improvement in camptodactyly and contractures is observed but residual camptodactyly always remains. Early intervention for scoliosis can prevent morbidity later in life. Cardiac evaluation and ophthalmologic evaluations are recommended

    Exact score distribution computation for ontological similarity searches

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Semantic similarity searches in ontologies are an important component of many bioinformatic algorithms, e.g., finding functionally related proteins with the Gene Ontology or phenotypically similar diseases with the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO). We have recently shown that the performance of semantic similarity searches can be improved by ranking results according to the probability of obtaining a given score at random rather than by the scores themselves. However, to date, there are no algorithms for computing the exact distribution of semantic similarity scores, which is necessary for computing the exact <it>P</it>-value of a given score.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we consider the exact computation of score distributions for similarity searches in ontologies, and introduce a simple null hypothesis which can be used to compute a <it>P</it>-value for the statistical significance of similarity scores. We concentrate on measures based on Resnik's definition of ontological similarity. A new algorithm is proposed that collapses subgraphs of the ontology graph and thereby allows fast score distribution computation. The new algorithm is several orders of magnitude faster than the naive approach, as we demonstrate by computing score distributions for similarity searches in the HPO. It is shown that exact <it>P</it>-value calculation improves clinical diagnosis using the HPO compared to approaches based on sampling.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The new algorithm enables for the first time exact <it>P</it>-value calculation via exact score distribution computation for ontology similarity searches. The approach is applicable to any ontology for which the annotation-propagation rule holds and can improve any bioinformatic method that makes only use of the raw similarity scores. The algorithm was implemented in Java, supports any ontology in OBO format, and is available for non-commercial and academic usage under: <url>https://compbio.charite.de/svn/hpo/trunk/src/tools/significance/</url></p

    CSI-OMIM - Clinical Synopsis Search in OMIM

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The OMIM database is a tool used daily by geneticists. Syndrome pages include a Clinical Synopsis section containing a list of known phenotypes comprising a clinical syndrome. The phenotypes are in free text and different phrases are often used to describe the same phenotype, the differences originating in spelling variations or typing errors, varying sentence structures and terminological variants.</p> <p>These variations hinder searching for syndromes or using the large amount of phenotypic information for research purposes. In addition, negation forms also create false positives when searching the textual description of phenotypes and induce noise in text mining applications.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Our method allows efficient and complete search of OMIM phenotypes as well as improved data-mining of the OMIM phenome. Applying natural language processing, each phrase is tagged with additional semantic information using UMLS and MESH. Using a grammar based method, annotated phrases are clustered into groups denoting similar phenotypes. These groups of synonymous expressions enable precise search, as query terms can be matched with the many variations that appear in OMIM, while avoiding over-matching expressions that include the query term in a negative context. On the basis of these clusters, we computed pair-wise similarity among syndromes in OMIM. Using this new similarity measure, we identified 79,770 new connections between syndromes, an average of 16 new connections per syndrome. Our project is Web-based and available at <url>http://fohs.bgu.ac.il/s2g/csiomim</url></p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The resulting enhanced search functionality provides clinicians with an efficient tool for diagnosis. This search application is also used for finding similar syndromes for the candidate gene prioritization tool S2G.</p> <p>The enhanced OMIM database we produced can be further used for bioinformatics purposes such as linking phenotypes and genes based on syndrome similarities and the known genes in Morbidmap.</p

    Measuring Inequalities in the Distribution of Health Workers: The case of Tanzania.

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    The overall human resource shortages and the distributional inequalities in the health workforce in many developing countries are well acknowledged. However, little has been done to measure the degree of inequality systematically. Moreover, few attempts have been made to analyse the implications of using alternative measures of health care needs in the measurement of health workforce distributional inequalities. Most studies have implicitly relied on population levels as the only criterion for measuring health care needs. This paper attempts to achieve two objectives. First, it describes and measures health worker distributional inequalities in Tanzania on a per capita basis; second, it suggests and applies additional health care needs indicators in the measurement of distributional inequalities. We plotted Lorenz and concentration curves to illustrate graphically the distribution of the total health workforce and the cadre-specific (skill mix) distributions. Alternative indicators of health care needs were illustrated by concentration curves. Inequalities were measured by calculating Gini and concentration indices.\ud There are significant inequalities in the distribution of health workers per capita. Overall, the population quintile with the fewest health workers per capita accounts for only 8% of all health workers, while the quintile with the most health workers accounts for 46%. Inequality is perceptible across both urban and rural districts. Skill mix inequalities are also large. Districts with a small share of the health workforce (relative to their population levels have an even smaller share of highly trained medical personnel. A small share of highly trained personnel is compensated by a larger share of clinical officers (a middle-level cadre) but not by a larger share of untrained health workers. Clinical officers are relatively equally distributed. Distributional inequalities tend to be more pronounced when under-five deaths are used as an indicator of health care needs. Conversely, if health care needs are measured by HIV prevalence, the distributional inequalities appear to decline. The measure of inequality in the distribution of the health workforce may depend strongly on the underlying measure of health care needs. In cases of a non-uniform distribution of health care needs across geographical areas, other measures of health care needs than population levels may have to be developed in order to ensure a more meaningful measurement of distributional inequalities of the health workforce